Information systems and organizational memory: a literature review




Strategy, Knowledge management, Competitiveness, Decision-making


The advancement of technologies and Information Systems (IS) associated with the search for success in the competitive market leads organizations to seek strategies that assist in acquisition, retention, storage, and dissemination of knowledge in the organization in order to be reused in time, preserving its Organizational Memory (OM). Organizational Memory Information Systems (OMIS) emerge as an enhancer of the OM, providing effective support and resources for the organization, assisting in decision making, in the solution of problems, as well as in quality and development of products and services. This article is an analysis of some OMIS selected from a literature review about its features and functionality in order to understand how these information systems are seen by the organizations. With this research, we realized that the relationship between OM and IS is still inexpressive, even with the existence of some cases of success in the use of OMIS in the literature. The literature reveals that an individuals' knowledge is not integrated in information systems management process in most organizations; much of this knowledge is generated in the organization retained in an individual himself/herself. It is easy to see that there is a need for strategies and mechanisms in the organization to stimulate and provide better knowledge sharing between individuals which, when associated to IS, allows greater control and effective use of Organizational Memory.

Biografia do Autor

Victor Freitas de Azeredo Barros, Centre Algoritmi, Minho University, Guimarães

Researcher of Centre Algoritmi, Minho University, Guimarães, Portugal; Executive Secretary of the Science and Education Research Council (COPEC) and Executive Director of the International Institute of Education (IIE). Currently a Professor at Brazilian Federation of Library Associations, Institutions and Information Scientists (FEBAB); Researcher Professor at Pontifical Catholic University of Goias (PUC-GO) and Researcher Professor at Advanced Center for Continuing Education of Teachers of Basic Education (FORMA/IFG). Editorial Director at the Journal of Science, Technology and Education (JSTE) and Editorial Director at the Cadernos de Educação, Tecnologia e Sociedade (CETS/IFG). Editorial Chair of the: Safety, Health and Environment World Congress (SHEWC), International Conference on Engineering and Computer Education (ICECE), World Congress on Communication and Arts (WCCA) and International Conference on Engineering and Technology Education (INTERTECH). Member of the: Research Team of Center for Studies and Research Interaction and Food Plants (NEPIAP), Center for Studies and Research in Science Teaching (NEPEC), Center for Research in Education, Management and Environment (NEPEGEM). He has more than 110 papers published in several congresses. He has worked for the development of teaching materials/ instructional in the areas of Computer Science, Information Systems, Digital Institutional Repositories, Information Technology in Education, Distance Learning, Assistive Technology, Inclusive Education, Environment Education, Engineering Education and Applied Probability & Statistics. He has organized more than 30 congresses around the world. He was professor at Goias Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology – IFG and professor at e-learning center E-PROINFO/MEC/UFG that belong to Brazilian government.

Isabel Ramos, Centre Algoritmi, Minho University, Guimarães

Possui doutorado em Tecnologias e Sistemas de Informação pela Universidade do Minho (2001). Tem experiência na área de Ciência da Computação, com ênfase em Sistemas de Informação. O CV completo, em pdf, pode ser encontrado em:

Gilberto Perez, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo/SP, Brazil

Graduado em Engenharia Eletrônica e Telecomunicações (1982/1983). Graduado em Física pela Universidade de São Paulo (2001). Pós-Graduação em Capacitação Gerencial pela FEA/FIA - USP (1999). MBA em Conhecimento, Tecnologia e Inovação pela FEA/FIA - USP (2001). Mestre (2003) e Doutor (2007) em Administração pela Universidade de São Paulo, com a tese: Adoção de inovações tecnológicas: Um estudo sobre o uso de sistemas de informação na área de saúde. Pós-Doutorado na Universidade do Minho - Portugal (2012/2013), com a Pesquisa: As Disfunções da Memória Organizacional e suas Implicações no Uso de Sistemas de Informação. É Professor Adjunto I na Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie atuando na Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Administração (PPGA); na Graduação em Administração e Ciências Contábeis, nas disciplinas: Gestão de Negócios na Internet, Empreendedorismo e Inovação, Sistemas de Informação Gerencial e Trabalho de Graduação Interdisciplinar I e II. Na Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie atua como Coordenador e Pesquisador do Núcleo de Estudos em Estratégia e Inovação - NEPEI e como Coordenador de TGI (Trabalho de Graduação Interdisciplinar). É Professor da Faculdade Impacta Tecnologia - FIT em disciplinas de Tecnologia de Informação. Foi Professor da Universidade Anhembi Morumbi, na Graduação em Administração, nas disciplinas: Administração Estratégica, Tecnologia de Informação e Comunicação e Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso I e II. Tem experiência em Inovação/Inovação Tecnológica, Sistemas e Tecnologia da Informação; atuando principalmente nos seguintes áreas: Gerência de Tecnologia da Informação, Serviços, Terceirização, Gestão de Inovação.


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Como Citar

Barros, V. F. de A., Ramos, I., & Perez, G. (2015). Information systems and organizational memory: a literature review. Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, 12(1), 45–64.


