Copyright (c) 2015 Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management
Victor Freitas de Azeredo Barros
Centre Algoritmi, Minho University, Guimarães
Researcher of Centre Algoritmi, Minho University, Guimarães, Portugal; Executive Secretary of the Science and Education Research Council (COPEC) and Executive Director of the International Institute of Education (IIE). Currently a Professor at Brazilian Federation of Library Associations, Institutions and Information Scientists (FEBAB); Researcher Professor at Pontifical Catholic University of Goias (PUC-GO) and Researcher Professor at Advanced Center for Continuing Education of Teachers of Basic Education (FORMA/IFG). Editorial Director at the Journal of Science, Technology and Education (JSTE) and Editorial Director at the Cadernos de Educação, Tecnologia e Sociedade (CETS/IFG). Editorial Chair of the: Safety, Health and Environment World Congress (SHEWC), International Conference on Engineering and Computer Education (ICECE), World Congress on Communication and Arts (WCCA) and International Conference on Engineering and Technology Education (INTERTECH). Member of the: Research Team of Center for Studies and Research Interaction and Food Plants (NEPIAP), Center for Studies and Research in Science Teaching (NEPEC), Center for Research in Education, Management and Environment (NEPEGEM). He has more than 110 papers published in several congresses. He has worked for the development of teaching materials/ instructional in the areas of Computer Science, Information Systems, Digital Institutional Repositories, Information Technology in Education, Distance Learning, Assistive Technology, Inclusive Education, Environment Education, Engineering Education and Applied Probability & Statistics. He has organized more than 30 congresses around the world. He was professor at Goias Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology – IFG and professor at e-learning center E-PROINFO/MEC/UFG that belong to Brazilian government.
Isabel Ramos
Centre Algoritmi, Minho University, Guimarães
Gilberto Perez
Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo/SP, Brazil
Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo/SP, Brazil