Metamodel of the IT Governance Framework Cobit


  • Joao Souza Neto
  • Arthur Nunes Ferreira Neto



COBIT, Metamodels, Entity/Relationship, IT Governance, IT framework


This paper addresses the generation and analysis of the COBIT 4.1 ontological metamodel of IT Governance framework. The ontological metamodels represent the logical structures and fundamental semantics of framework models and constitute adequate tools for the analysis, adaptation, comparison and integration of IT best practice frameworks. The MetaFrame methodology used for the construction of the COBIT metamodel is based on the discipline of conceptual metamodeling and on the extended Entity/Relationship methodology. It has an iterative process of construction of the metamodel’s components, using techniques of modeling and documentation of information systems. In the COBIT 4.1metamodel, the central entity type is the IT Process. The entity type of IT Domain represents the four domains that group one or more IT processes of the COBIT 4.1. In turn, these domains are divided into one or more Activities that are carried through by one or more Roles which are consulted, informed, accounted for or liable for each Activity. The COBIT 4.1 metamodel may suggest adaptation or implementation of a new process within the framework or even contribute to the integration of frameworks, when, after the processes of analysis and comparison, there are connection points between the components and the logical structures of its relationships.

Biografia do Autor

Joao Souza Neto

João Souza Neto, Doctor of Science in Electrical Engineering, University of Brasilia – UNB, Professor at Catholic University of Brasilia, on the Master’s degree Program in Information Technology and Knowledge Management, Campus Avançado, SGAN 916 Asa Norte - Modulo B - Sala A121 - CEP:70.790-160 Brasília – DF, Brasil - Telefone: (61) 3448-6534 - E-mail:

Arthur Nunes Ferreira Neto

Arthur Nunes Ferreira Neto, Master in Information Technology and Knowledge Management – MGCGI/UCB, Catholic University of Brasilia, Researcher at Catholic University of Brasilia in Metamodels of IT frameworks, Campus Avançado, SGAN 916 Asa Norte - Modulo B - Sala A111 - CEP: 70.790-160 Brasília – DF, Brasil - Telefone: (61) 3338-6534 -


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Como Citar

Souza Neto, J., & Neto, A. N. F. (2013). Metamodel of the IT Governance Framework Cobit. Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, 10(3), 521–540.


