Analytical Approaches in Human Resources – a Systematic Review



Palabras clave:

HR analytics, People analytics, Strategic human resources management, Talent management, Turnover


Surveys related to analytics in the area of human resources (HR) have increased in the last 10 years. They usually suggest frameworks, tools, and concepts. Although there is much useful information, there is still a lack of materials consolidating real case studies or quantitative experiments with HR data. This systematic review analyzes 42 papers with analytical experiments in terms of three different segments of HR: recruitment, talent management, and turnover. The goal is to offer an updated perspective of what is being applied in HR regarding the problems that can be solved with data analysis, the most used techniques, and what could be explored to promote more scientific research on data-oriented projects in HR. Some of the results include talent management as the segment with the most related papers and the use of companies’ internal data as predominant in the studies.

Biografía del autor/a

Vinícius Gomes Soares, Universidade de São Paulo - USP

Vinícius Gomes Soares is a complex systems modeling Msc student at Universtity of Sao Paulo – USP. He has a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from Sao Paulo State University – Unesp (2014). He is experienced in projects and applications of data science in the financial and insurance markets and is interested in expanding these methods to social and organizational environments.

José Jesús Pérez Álcazar, Universidade de São Paulo - USP

José de Jesús Pérez Alcázar has a bachelor’s degree in Systems Engineering and Computation - Universidad de Los Andes (1983), master degree in Computer Science from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (1988) and Ph.D. in Informatics from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (1995). He is currently professor at the University of São Paulo. He has experience in Computer Science, focusing on Database and Artificial Intelligence, acting on the following topics: semantic web, semantic web services, web, multi-agent systems, information technology and information technology strategic planning.

Mercy Escalante Ludena, Universidade Anhembi Morumbi

Mercy Escalante Ludena has a bachelor’s degree in administration from Univesidad Nacional de Trujillo, master degree in administration from Getulio Vargas Foundation - FGV and Ph.D. in administration from University of Sao Paulo – USP. She is an associate professor and innovation management consultant. Her areas of expertise are strategic management, innovation management (open innovation, digital transformation, agile project management, innovation networks, human talent and innovation, process management). She has completed several courses in innovation networks, national innovation systems in Europe (Portugal, Hungary, and Russia). During her career, she held executive positions in large organizations in strategic management, human capital strategy. Her experience was developed in Latin America in countries such as Colombia, Peru and Brazil. Her research papers have appeared in several annals of international conferences and scientific journals.


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Cómo citar

Soares, V. G., Pérez Álcazar, J. J., & Ludena, M. E. (2022). Analytical Approaches in Human Resources – a Systematic Review. JISTEM Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, 19.


