Risk Factors in the Software Deployment Phase: A Case Study Applied in two Brazilian Government Companies
https://doi.org/10.4301/S1807-1775202219015Palabras clave:
Case Study, Containment Strategies, Deployment Phase, Risk FactorsResumen
This work presents the results of a case study to identify the main risk factors in the software deployment phase involving two public Brazilian companies. The case study was developed through several on-site visits to monitor the deployment of the system adopted by companies and conduct interviews with team managers. The data were acquired mainly through questionnaires applied to the technical team (analysts and developers) involved with the software implementation. After acquiring the data, an empirical analysis was carried out, where the Risk Factors (RF) and the Containment Strategies (CS) identified in the literature were compared with the RF and CS found in the software deployment phase of the two companies. As a result, this work presents 11 risk factors and 14 Containment strategies found in the literature, in addition to a total of 9 RF and 9 CS recorded in the implementation of the software in companies A and B, which had not yet been cataloged in the literature.Citas
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