Would Be Smart Balinese Cities (Indonesia): An Exploratory Case Study




Palabras clave:

Bali, Indonesia, Smart City, Smart Tourism, Quality of Life


The word “Smart Cities” is new buzzword in every corner of the world. Many countries across the continents are trying to plant new smart cities or in the conversion process of existing cities. Bali (Indonesia) also seems to be in a conversion process of its Brown Field Cities. This research manuscript attempts to explore the Bali (Island) as a Smart Island regarding Smart Environment, Smart Economy, Smart Governance, Smart Mobility, Smart Living and Smart People dimensional perspective. This research manuscript has adopted a triangulation method for thematic narration since the study is qualitative and case study. The study explored that Bali/Balinese cities is/are still baby stepping of smart cities plantations. There needs to be a lot of work has to be done to become Smart Bali Island. The findings will help the Bali government to understand how far they could become full-fledged Smart Island by providing the Quality of Life to citizens and economic development of Balinese cities.

Biografía del autor/a

Somayya Madakam, Assistant Professor Information Technology FORE School of Management New Delhi, INDIA

Qualified UGC-Junior Research Fellowship and Lectureship. He worked for Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai, circa six years as a Systems Analyst-cum-Programmer. Due to a keen interest in research and academics, in 2012 he joined in National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE), Mumbai for doing Fellow Program in Management and in 5.4 years, he completed his thesis on “Internet of Things (IoT) Technologies in Smart Cities: An Exploratory Study in India”. During this period, he presented his academic research work in both Inter/national conferences including at Bangkok (Thailand), Dubai (UAE), Alicante (Spain), Fairfax (USA) and Porto (Portugal). He also published more than 20 articles together with journals, book chapters, and posters. He is an upcoming evangelist on “The New Language of Publications”.


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Cómo citar

Madakam, S. (2020). Would Be Smart Balinese Cities (Indonesia): An Exploratory Case Study. JISTEM Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, 17. https://doi.org/10.4301/S1807-1775202017005


