Social Media/Networking: Applications, Technologies, Theories




Social Media, Social Networking, Web 2.0, Blogs, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Google , YouTube, Branding, Marketing


Nowadays, Social Media communication has become indispensable for the world. Social Media is indeed a paradigm shift in communication. The beauty of this new communication method is the offer of virtual connectivity irrespective of geographical distances. The medium serves us 24/7 with online videos, audios, pictures, and rich textual content. Given its wide usage, it is extremely crucial to study key details of social media, including the pioneers, theories, and business applications. This manuscript has relied on the “Web of Science” database and the Vantage Point 9 text-mining tool, with Aduna map visualization, to collate about 50 research articles published during 2008-2016 that have studied social media in detail. The objective of this article is to explain the impact of social media sites, technologies and applications.

Author Biographies

Somayya Madakam, Assistant Professor Information Technology FORE School of Management, New Delhi

Dr. Somayya Madakam is currently working as an Assistant Professor in Information Technology area @ FORE School of Management, New Delhi since 2018. He also worked for Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai, circa six years as a Systems Analyst-cum-Programmer. He had received his Fellow Programme in Management (FPM) from National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE), Mumbai on “IoT Technologies in Smart Cities”. Prior to this, he graduated his both B.Tech (CSE) and MBA (IT&HR) from Andhra University, Visakhapatnam. He also qualified UGC-Junior Research Fellowship–cum-Lectureship. Moreover, he had presented his academic research work in both Inter/national conferences including at Bangkok (Thailand), Dubai (UAE), Alicante (Spain), Fairfax (USA) and Porto (Portugal). He also published more than 20 articles together with journals, book chapters and posters. His research areas of interest includes IoT, RPA, Explainable AI, Smart Cities, Quality of Life, Business Analytics, and Augmented Reality. He is an evangelist on “The New Language of Publications”.

Siddharth Tripathi, Assistant Professor Area: IT & Marketing Amity Business School, Amity University - Mumbai

Dr. Siddharth Tripathi is currently working as an Assistant Professor in IT & Marketing at Amity Business School, Amity University Mumbai since January 2020. He has more than six years of Corporate and Teaching experience. He is proficient in handling banking operations as he worked in ICICI bank Corporate Office, Mumbai, and the Global Operations Group in Videocon Towers, New Delhi, between 2007-12. He received his Fellow Programme in Management degree from the National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE), Mumbai, on “Determinants of Engagement on Social Media.” His educational background is B.Tech.(IT) from Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University-Lucknow, and MBA (IT & Marketing) from the Indian Institute of Information Technology-Allahabad. His associations are with the prestigious professional bodies of National and International repute such as the World Association for Academic Doctors (USA), The Institution of Engineers (India), and The Indian Science Congress Association, etc. He has authored few articles in reputed journals such as the International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing (Wiley), Journal of Computer and Communications, etc. He had presented his academic research work in both National/International conferences such as the National University of Singapore, and WAAD, Maryland (USA). His research interest is in IT, Digital and Social Media Marketing.


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How to Cite

Madakam, S., & Tripathi, S. (2021). Social Media/Networking: Applications, Technologies, Theories. Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, 18.


