The Knowledge Management for Best Practices Sharing in a Database at the Tribunal Regional Federal da Primeira Região


  • Márcia Mazo Santos de Miranda Tribunal Regional Federal da 1ª Região
  • Eduardo Amadeu Dutra Moresi Universidade Católica de Brasília


Palabras clave:

Knowledge management, Organizational Memory, Best practices, Database


A quick, effective and powerful alternative for knowledge management is the systematic sharing of best practices. This study identified in the literature recommendations for structuring a best practices database and summarized the benefits of its deployment to the Tribunal Regional Federal da Primeira Região TRF - 1ª Região. A It was conducted a quantitative research was then carried out, with the distribuition of where questionnaires were distributed to federal judges of the TRF- 1ª Região, which was divided into 4 parts: magistrate profile, flow of knowledge / information, internal environment, organizational facilitator. As a result, we identified the need to have a best practices database in the Institution for the organizational knowledge identification, transfer and sharing. The conclusion presents recommendations for the development of the database and highlights its importance for knowledge management in an organization.




Cómo citar

Mazo Santos de Miranda, M., & Amadeu Dutra Moresi, E. (2010). The Knowledge Management for Best Practices Sharing in a Database at the Tribunal Regional Federal da Primeira Região. JISTEM Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, 7(2), 409–432.


