About the Journal

Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management is a free online international journal promoting the study of information systems and technology management. To submit a manuscript click "ABOUT" in the top of this page and go to "ONLINE SUBMISSION". Indexation and Directories: SciELO, REDALYC.org, WOS Scielo Citation Index, Latindex, Proquest, Ulrich's Periodical Directory, DOAJ, The Index of Information Systems Journals, ACPHIS, Dialnet, Gale Infotrac, Portal de Periódicos USP, Spell, CAPES, PKP, CLASE. Attention: Amendment in Editorial Policy regarding PUBLICATION policy, occurred in January 2018. The Editorial Board of the Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management - JISTEM USP, has implemented since January 1, 2018 the CONTINUOUS PUBLISHING policy, with the following characteristics: - 1 (one) Annual Volume, without division in editions. Each approved article is published immediately, without the need to wait for an edition. This change is based on sound technical and strategic reasons and follows international best practices. - The volume corresponding to the year 2018 is volume 15.

Current Issue

Vol. 21 (2024)
Published: 2024-07-10


  • An In-Service Teacher Training Model as a Basis for an Effective Integration of ICT in Education in Morocco

    Hajar Lmortaji
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.4301/S1807-1775202421003
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