Organizations and Employees Say “I do” to Work from Home during the Pandemic: A Sentiment Analysis of Twitter




Social media platforms like Twitter have become an integral part of daily life. Twitter is emerging as a powerful digital platform for people to express their emotions and opinions on varied events and issues with the world. Working from home during the coronavirus lockdown is one phenomenon that has affected billions across the world, generating intense debates and polarizing global factions. This study aimed to analyze the sentiments of the Indian workforce about their work from home experience imposed during the coronavirus lockdown. To this end, a total 10,400 relevant English language tweets were collected from Twitter. Sentiment analysis and social network analysis were performed on the retrieved tweets. The results indicated that though the sentiments of the tweets were about consistently distributed among the three principal categories (positive, negative and neutral), there was a predominance of positivity towards working from home due to the coronavirus lockdown. Further, social network analysis of the tweets unraveled varied clusters indicating employee’s sentiments towards the pandemic-induced work from home policy.

Biografias Autor

Surabhi Verma, Department of MArketing & MAnagement, University of Southern Denmark, Odense

Professor Surabhi Verma is working as an Assistant Professor Center for Integrative Innovation Management , Department of Marketing and Management University of Southern Denmark She is a senior FPM of NITIE, Mumbai. She received her M.Tech from IIT (ISM), Dhanbad. Her work has been published in reputed listed journals and conferences including,Journal of Business Research, Information Processing & Management, Information Resources Management Journal, Journal of Enterprise Information Management, Strategic Direction, International Journal of Business Analytics and Emerging Economy Studies

Vibhav Singh, Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies University – NMIMS, Navi Mumbai, India

An ICSSR fellow, Dr. Vibhav Singh is working as an Assistant Professor of Management of Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management at NMIMS, Navi Mumbai, India. She completed her doctorate from TISS, Mumbai. She has taught at reputed institutions like IIM Trichy and IMT Ghaziabad. Her work has been published in reputed listed journals.


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Como Citar

Verma, S., & Singh, V. (2022). Organizations and Employees Say “I do” to Work from Home during the Pandemic: A Sentiment Analysis of Twitter. Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, 19.


