A novel latent factor model for recommender system


  • Bipul Kumar Indian Institute of management




Latent factor model, singular value decomposition, recommender system, E-commerce, E-services, complexity


Matrix factorization (MF) has evolved as one of the better practice to handle sparse data in field of recommender systems. Funk singular value decomposition (SVD) is a variant of MF that exists as state-of-the-art method that enabled winning the Netflix prize competition. The method is widely used with modifications in present day research in field of recommender systems. With the potential of data points to grow at very high velocity, it is prudent to devise newer methods that can handle such data accurately as well as efficiently than Funk-SVD in the context of recommender system. In view of the growing data points, I propose a latent factor model that caters to both accuracy and efficiency by reducing the number of latent features of either users or items making it less complex than Funk-SVD, where latent features of both users and items are equal and often larger. A comprehensive empirical evaluation of accuracy on two publicly available, amazon and ml-100 k datasets reveals the comparable accuracy and lesser complexity of proposed methods than Funk-SVD.


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Como Citar

Kumar, B. (2016). A novel latent factor model for recommender system. Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, 13(3), 497–514. https://doi.org/10.4301/S1807-17752016000300008


