A Comparison of Hedonic and Utilitarian Digital Products Based on Consumer Evaluation and Technology Frustration


  • Bidyut Bikash Hazarika Western Michigan University
  • Mohammadreza Mousavizadeh Western Michigan University
  • Mike Tarn Western Michigan University




This study explores how hedonic mobile applications (apps) compare to utilitarian apps in consumer evaluation. We posit that achieving a set of passionate consumers is a pre-cursor to product success in markets, whereas technology frustration is a negative hindrance to the product success. Also, we argue that technology frustration may act as a negative complementing factor to consumer passion, and this effect is higher for hedonic products than utilitarian products. We contextualize our study to the android apps, and used a dataset that tracked 18136 apps in the android market for three months and coded our variables from this dataset. We conducted empirical analysis and found support for our hypotheses. This study contributes to the information systems and marketing literature in providing a new dimension associated with consumer evaluation of digital products, and draws evaluative comparisons between hedonic and utilitarian digital products.

Author Biographies

Bidyut Bikash Hazarika, Western Michigan University

Business Information Systems

Mohammadreza Mousavizadeh, Western Michigan University

Business Information Systems

Mike Tarn, Western Michigan University

Business Information Systems


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How to Cite

Hazarika, B. B., Mousavizadeh, M., & Tarn, M. (2019). A Comparison of Hedonic and Utilitarian Digital Products Based on Consumer Evaluation and Technology Frustration. Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, 16(1). https://doi.org/10.4301/S1807-1775201916008


