Improving IT process management through value stream mapping approach: A case study


  • Bong Keun Jeong Metropolitan State University of Denver, Denver, CO, United States
  • Tom E Yoon Western Connecticut State University



value stream mapping, VSM, lean principle, IT process management


Value-Stream mapping (VSM) is a helpful tool to identify waste and improvement areas. It has emerged as a preferred way to support and implement the lean approach. While lean principles are well-established and have broad applicability in manufacturing, their extension to information technology is still limited. Based on a case study approach, this paper presents the implementation of VSM in an IT firm as a lean IT improvement initiative. It involves mapping the current activities of the firm and identifying opportunities for improvement. After several interviews with employees who are currently involved in the process, current state map is prepared to describe the existing problem areas. Future state map is prepared to show the proposed improvement action plans. The achievements of VSM implementation are reduction in lead time, cycle time and resources. Our finding indicates that, with the new process change, total lead time can be reduced from 20 days to 3 days – 92% reduction in overall lead time for database provisioning process.


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Como Citar

Jeong, B. K., & Yoon, T. E. (2016). Improving IT process management through value stream mapping approach: A case study. Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, 13(3), 389–404.


