The impact of e-ticketing technique on customer satisfaction: an empirical analysis


  • Mazen Kamal Qteishat Albalqa Applied University
  • Haitham Hmoud Alshibly Albalqa Applied University
  • Mohammad Atwah Al-ma'aitah Albalqa Applied University



E-ticketing, Customer Technical Support, Infrastructure, Security, User-Friendliness


Recently, internet technology is considered to be the most used information and communication technology by organizations: it can ease the process of transactions and reinforce the relation between companies and customers. This investigation empirically examines the impact of e-ticketing technique on customer satisfaction; a convenience sample of Jordanian airline passengers that had booked flights in the last 12 months through companies offering e-ticketing services was acquired. The findings indicate that customer satisfaction with e-ticketing services was influenced by all of the independent variables measured (Data security, Customer and Technical Support, and User-Friendliness) were noted to have significant impact on customer satisfaction with e-ticketing services.

Biografia do Autor

Mazen Kamal Qteishat, Albalqa Applied University

Assistant Professor, Department of Business,

Haitham Hmoud Alshibly, Albalqa Applied University

Associate Professor, Department of Business

Mohammad Atwah Al-ma'aitah, Albalqa Applied University

Assistant Professor, Department of MIS


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Como Citar

Qteishat, M. K., Alshibly, H. H., & Al-ma'aitah, M. A. (2014). The impact of e-ticketing technique on customer satisfaction: an empirical analysis. Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, 11(3), 519–532.


