State of the Art: Integrating Services for Mega Events
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Mega Events, Infrastructure Services, Framework, KPI, CloudRésumé
This paper describes the state of the art of a simplified model for integration of services in mega events. The project context, which was financed by the National Research Council – CNPq, is divided into six major areas or functional groups: Urban Mobility, Tourism, Airports, Security, Energy and Telecommunications. The proposal is described in layers, as an infrastructure model of integration and services evaluation, describing its main layers and interaction processes. The proposal described in this paper is restricted to the telecommunication subproject, however, in the modeling of the scenario for the study case, it was necessary to considerate requirements and variables that are common to all subprojects. In the specification process of these requirements, we noticed important processes that interact with some sectors in the city of São Paulo, however, in the mean time, we noticed some failures regarding the integration and collaboration performed by administrators elements of stadiums as main focus in the mega event and part of our case study. Currently, the proposal is in its first version as open software for the evaluation of the services quality and the mega event infrastructure through the use of performance indicators.Références
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