Antecedents to Website Satisfaction, Loyalty, and Word-Of-Mouth


  • Brent Lynn Selby Coker University of Melbourne, Department of Management & Marketing Level 09, The Spot 198 Berkeley St. Victoria, Australia.


Mots-clés :

Website Quality, Website Satisfaction


Satisfaction, loyalty, and likelihood of referral are regarded by marketers and the Big Three diagnostics leading to retail profitability. However, as yet no-one has developed a model to capture all three of these constructs in the context of the internet. Moreover, although several attempts have been made to develop models to measure quality of website experience, no-one has sought to develop an instrument short enough to be of practical use as a quick customer satisfaction feedback form. In this research we sought to fill this void by developing and psychometrically testing a parsimonious model to capture the Big Three diagnostics, brief enough to be used in a commercial environment as a modal popup feedback form.

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Brent Lynn Selby Coker, University of Melbourne, Department of Management & Marketing Level 09, The Spot 198 Berkeley St. Victoria, Australia.

Doctor of Philosophy (Electronic Commerce), Victoria University of Wellington, (2007) Bachelor of Commerce and Administration (Honours), Victoria University of Wellington, (2003) Bachelor of Commerce and Administration, Victoria University of Wellington, (2002). University of Melbourne, Department of Management & Marketing Level 09, The Spot 198 Berkeley St. Victoria, Australia. His research focuses on explaining and predicting consumer behaviour on the internet, and identifying critical success factors contributing to the success of internet business. E-mail:


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Comment citer

Coker, B. L. S. (2013). Antecedents to Website Satisfaction, Loyalty, and Word-Of-Mouth. Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, 10(2), 209–218.


