Outcomes of the 11th Contecsi Usp – International Conference on Information Systems and Technology Management
https://doi.org/10.4301/s1807-17752014000200013Palabras clave:
CONTECSI, Report, International Conference, Technology Management, Information Systems, Observatory.Resumen
In this document, we wish to describe statistics, data and the importance of the 11th CONTECSI – International Conference on Information Systems and Technology Management, which took place in the University of São Paulo, during the dates of May 28th to 30th and was organized by TECSI/EAC/FEA/USP. This report presents statistics of the 11th CONTECSI, Goals and Objectives, Program, Plenary Sessions, Doctoral Consortium, Parallel Sessions, Honorable Mentions and Committees. We would like to point out the huge importance of the financial aid given by CAPES, CNPq, FAPESP, as well as the support of FEA USP, ANPAD, AIS, ISACA, UNINOVE, Universidade do Porto, Rutgers School/USA, São Paulo Convention Bureau and CCINT-FEA-USP.Descargas
Cómo citar
Riccio, E. L., Sakata, M. G., Valente, N. T. Z., & Capobianco, L. (2014). Outcomes of the 11th Contecsi Usp – International Conference on Information Systems and Technology Management. JISTEM Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, 11(2), 461–510. https://doi.org/10.4301/s1807-17752014000200013
Conference Report