Business Process Management with the Use of Patterns Methodology


  • Pedro Bonillo



Present companies require of complex businesses models with an organizational structure, processes and systems that must explicitly be designed. The task to design these business models is clearly interdisciplinary, since it requires knowledge of business development, different processes that happen in the company and of the processes management and technological applications. In software engineering context, it would be advisable to be able to count on a system of methods, tools and techniques that allow reusing the best practices during software development process, according to each one of the processes that are implemented in each domain. On this basis, in this work we propose an integral referential theoretician framework and a methodology that includes from requirements analysis to processes monitoring, supporting analysis, design, and modeling and configuration stages, through patterns use. The proposal methodology is conformed by two macro-processes: the first one related to the creation of the process itself. The second one corresponds to the administration, and includes: maintenance, administration of the process in production and the monitoring through management indicators.

Biografía del autor/a

Pedro Bonillo

Ingeniero en Computación. Magíster en Ingeniería de Sistemas. USB., Magíster en Gerencia de las Finanzas y los Negocios. Candidato Doctor em Gerencia. UNY. Candidato Doctor en Ciencias de la Computación. Mención Ingeniería de Software. UCV. Remedy Skilled Professional. ITIL Foundation Certified. PPI Candidato 6502.CIV 11049. Asesor Tecnología y Arquitectura, Gerencia de Arquitectura y Tecnología CANTV, Cortijos de Lourdes, Edif. Cortijos II, Piso 2, Apdo. 1046. Centro ISYS, Facultad de Ciencias, UCV, Apdo. 48097, Los Chaguaramos 1041-A, Caracas, Venezuela. Phone: + 58 212 5000255 Email:




Cómo citar

Bonillo, P. (2006). Business Process Management with the Use of Patterns Methodology. JISTEM Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, 3(2), p. 143–162.


