Evaluation of Management Control Systems in a Higher Education Institution with the Performance Management and Control


  • Ilse Maria Beuren Universidade Regional de Blumenau
  • Silvio Aparecido Teixeira Universidade Regional de Blumenau, Blumenau, Santa Catarina, Brazil




Performance evaluation, Management Control Systems, Performance Management and Control, Higher Education Institution


This study aims to investigate the structure and operation of management control systems for performance evaluation in a private higher education institution (HEI). To capture the structure and operation of Management Control Systems (MCS) of the HEI, the survey instrument proposed by Ferreira and Otley was used (2006), called Performance Management and Control (PMC). Thus, an adapted PMC structure questionnaire was sent to 55 managers responsible for strategic actions and plans established in the business of the HEI, having 48 answered questionnaires. Also, four out of the five directors of the business school of the HEI were interviewed, besides the documentary research, for the triangulation of data and to validate the results. In data analysis, the techniques of descriptive statistics and information entropy were used. The results show that the overall level of performance evaluation for MCS reached a mean of 3.62 on the scale, less than partial agreement on the items presented. Some weaknesses were pointed out in the system used, and it was also denoted the need for better alignment among strategy, performance and control. It is concluded that the adapted PMC structure questionnaire managed to capture the structure and operation of MCS for performance evaluation in the HEI.

Author Biographies

Ilse Maria Beuren, Universidade Regional de Blumenau

Ilse Maria Beuren. Doutora em Controladoria e Contabilidade pela FEA/USP. Professora do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Contabilidade da Universidade Federal do Paraná – UFPR. Address: Av. Prefeito Lothário Meissner, 632 - Campus III – Jardim Botânico. CEP: 80210-070 – Curitiba/PR – Brasil. E-mail: ilse.beuren@gmail.com Phone: (41) 3360-4386.

Silvio Aparecido Teixeira, Universidade Regional de Blumenau, Blumenau, Santa Catarina, Brazil

Silvio Aparecido Teixeira. Doutorando do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Contábeis da Universidade Regional de Blumenau – FURB. Address: Rua Antônio da Veiga, 140 – Sala D 202 - Bairro Victor Konder. CEP 89012-900 – Blumenau/SC – Brasil. E-mail: silvioteixeira@sercomtel.com.br Phone: (47) 3321-0565


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How to Cite

Beuren, I. M., & Teixeira, S. A. (2014). Evaluation of Management Control Systems in a Higher Education Institution with the Performance Management and Control. Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, 11(1), 169–192. https://doi.org/10.4301/s1807-17752014000100010


