Evaluation of a process for the Experimental Development of Data Mining, AI and Data Science applications aligned with the Strategic Planning





Big Data, Strategic Alignment, Experimentation, Small Data, Reproducibility


Context: The Big Data phenomenon has imposed maturity on companies regarding the exploration of their data, as a prerogative to obtain valuable insights into their clients and the power of analysis to guide decision-making processes. Therefore, a general approach that describes how to extract knowledge for the execution of the business strategy needs to be established. Purpose: The purpose of this research paper is to introduce and evaluate the implementation of a process for the experimental development of Data Mining (DM), AI and Data Science applications aligned with the strategic planning. Method: A case study with the proposed process was conducted in a federal educational institution. Results: The results generated evidence showing that it is possible to integrate a strategic alignment approach, an experimental method, and a methodology for the development of DM applications. Conclusion: Data Mining (DM) and Data Science (DS) applications also present the risks of other Information Systems, and the adoption of strategy-driven and scientific method processes are critical success factors. Moreover, it was possible to conclude that the application of the scientific method was facilitated, besides being an important tool to ensure the quality, reproducibility and transparency of intelligent applications. In conclusion, the process needs to be mapped to foment and guide the strategic alignment.

Author Biography

Methanias Colaço Júnior, Federal University of Sergipe EACH - University of São Paulo - USP

Methanias Colaço Júnior holds a Ph.D. in software engineering business intelligence from the Federal University of Bahia. He also holds a M.Sc. in computer science from the Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG). He started his professional activities in 1993, and joined the Tiradentes University and Federal University of Sergipe as a Professor in 1996. He is a consultant in several technology fields and to several enterprises in Brazil, with special emphasis in Data Science, Data Mining, Business Intelligence, Experimentation, BPM, Strategic Management, Big Data Analytics, Neurolinguistic, CRM, BSC, Audit, Education, Governance and Public Security. Colaço also is a Professor in the Computer Science and Business Administration at Federal University of Sergipe, Brazil, where he is part of two academic research programs: (i) Postgraduate Program in Computer Science – PROCC; (ii) Competitive Intelligence Research and Practice Group – NUPIC. He is a lecturer in seminars and enterprise courses about Experimental Software Engineering, Data Science, Business Intelligence, Data Mining, Experimentation, Neurolinguistics, Customer Relationship Management, Balanced ScoreCard, Big Data Analytics, Strategic Management, BPM, and Decision Support Systems.


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How to Cite

Colaço Júnior, M., Cruz, R., Araújo, L., Bliacheriene, A., & Nunes, F. (2022). Evaluation of a process for the Experimental Development of Data Mining, AI and Data Science applications aligned with the Strategic Planning. Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, 19. https://doi.org/10.4301/S1807-1775202219018


