Intention to use the innovative Covid-19 technology “TheSafeCheck” Solution
ASEAN, Stimulus Research Model, Users’ Intention to use, Innovation, SolutionAbstract
This paper summarizes an explorative study of the design as well as the perceived risk that contributes to users’ adoption of an innovative Covid-19 solution technology known as the “TheSafeCheck” in the ASEAN region. The attempt to survey these areas using the stimulus research model is a novel approach focused on adoption factors of this innovative technology as “TheSafecheck” focuses on the novel design and perceived risk. The empirical results from the quantitative analysis suggest that design, perceived risk, perceived usefulness as well as perceived ease of use are significant factors that contribute to users’ intention to utilize this novel Covid-19 technology “TheSafecheck” Solution. Companies will be able to utilize this study information for deploying the products and services to meet the users’ intention to use the system while also fulfilling their objective of corporate social responsibility.References
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