Developers’ Views on Information Systems Quality and Success in Canadian Software Development Firms


  • Delroy Anthony Chevers The University of the West Indies
  • Gerald Grant Carleton University



Canada, Information systems quality, Information systems success, Organization climate, Process maturity


For years software developers have struggled in their attempts to deliver high quality and successful software products. A survey was conducted in Canada to assess the main determinants of information systems (IS) quality and success. The survey confirmed the notion that developer skills and contribution had the greatest impact on information systems quality, over process maturity and the application of the latest technology. The survey also discovered that user perception had a greater impact on IS success in comparison to IS quality. In an attempt to gain deeper insights into the state of IS quality and success in Canada, interviews were conducted with Canadian software developers. The interviews revealed that organization climate such as top management support, the social interactions and dynamics among project team members and the structural analysis of the industry are other factors which can influence the quality and success of the delivered software product. These insights if applied during the development and delivery of information systems can enhance the likelihood of producing high quality and successful software products and increase the competitiveness of these firms.

Author Biographies

Delroy Anthony Chevers, The University of the West Indies

Mona School of Business and Management Lecturer

Gerald Grant, Carleton University

Sprott School of Business


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How to Cite

Chevers, D. A., & Grant, G. (2017). Developers’ Views on Information Systems Quality and Success in Canadian Software Development Firms. Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, 14(1), 3–20.


