Resilience and enterprise architecture in SMEs
Resilience, Enterprise Architecture, Business Architecture, Organizational ArchitectureAbstract
Considering that SMEs need to embrace the drivers of resilience and that a well-defined and readily available Enterprise Architecture (EA) supports enterprise integration by enabling the common view of business processes, data and systems across the enterprise and its partners, we can say that EA is one of the tracks making resilience predictable and it should support and collaborate with other resilience tracks. However, the EA frameworks do not give relevance to the activities that contribute most to business resilience, so this paper aims to clarify the dimensions and the activities related to the development of an EA and the touching points with other enterprise wide processes in order to guarantee that resilience requirements are met in SMEs. For this I propose an approach of ecological adaptation, and four architectures: business, organizational, information, and technological, although this paper only presents the Business and Organizational Architectures.References
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