Organizational impacts of the electronic processing system of the brazilian superior tribunal of justice


  • Christiana Soares de Freitas Public Policy Studies Department Faculty of Business and Economics University of Brasilia - UnB
  • Janann Joslin Medeiros Departamento de Administração/Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Ciências Contábeis/ Universidade de Brasília (UnB) Campus Darcy Ribeiro / Asa Norte / Brasília, DF



Innovation in the public sector, Technology Enactment Theory, Electronic Processing System, Judicial Processes, Brazilian Superior Tribunal of Justice.


This paper presents a study on the social and organizational impacts of the Electronic Processing System (EPS) implemented in 2008 by the Brazilian Superior Tribunal of Justice (STJ). This system is part of a wider transformation process involving the implementation of a new management model at the STJ. The theoretical framework is based on the Technology Enactment Theory and other studies on the role of technological innovations in public organizations (Fountain, 2005; Freitas, 2012). The main goal of the research is to identify the most significant factors facilitating or inhibiting the innovation adoption. Results show different impacts of the EPS on professional groups and organizations. Political, cultural and economic aspects influence stakeholders’ perceptions of the innovation, including its sustainability, time and costs savings that impact the rate of adoption and the realization of benefits both to users and the organization investing in its development.

Author Biographies

Christiana Soares de Freitas, Public Policy Studies Department Faculty of Business and Economics University of Brasilia - UnB

Public Policy Studies Department Faculty of Business and Economics University of Brasilia Curriculum:

Janann Joslin Medeiros, Departamento de Administração/Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Ciências Contábeis/ Universidade de Brasília (UnB) Campus Darcy Ribeiro / Asa Norte / Brasília, DF

Professora Associada


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How to Cite

Freitas, C. S. de, & Medeiros, J. J. (2015). Organizational impacts of the electronic processing system of the brazilian superior tribunal of justice. Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, 12(2), 317–332.


