Determining factors determinants of bank employees’ reading habits of information security policies
Computer Security, Security Policies, User AttitudesAbstract
This paper seeks to answer the question ‘What factors determine bank employee reading habits of security policies? Using the chi-square test, this research analyses the reading habits of bank staff to ascertain whether there is significant difference in their reading habits with regards to the following independent variable- gender, the section of bank the employee works (whether department or branch), number of years the staff has worked with the bank and the ownership status of the bank (public, private or foreign owned). In addition, logistic regression was employed to determine the predictors of these reading habits. This paper adopts a quantitative research methodology to study the information security reading habits of 136 Ghanaian bank staff from various banks and concludes that bank staffs working in departments are more likely to regularly read their banks policies than employees working in a branch. This paper also shows that there is statistical significant difference in reading habits with regards to the number of years an employee has worked with the bank. The paper finally shows that there is no statistical significant difference in security reading habits with regards to gender and ownership status of the bank. The logistic regression analysis also reveals that a respondent in a department is 4.4 times more likely to read the security policies relative to those in a branch. The analysis also concludes that , respondents who have worked for less than 5 years were less likely to read the policy relative to those who have worked more than 5 years (OR=.51)References
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