Identifying Operational Requirements to Select Suitable Decision Models for a Public Sector E-Procurement Decision Support System


  • Mohamed Adil University of Sheffield
  • Miguel Baptista Nunes University of Sheffield
  • Guo Chao Peng University of Sheffield



Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA), Decision Model, Focus Group, Public Sector, e-Procurement


Public sector procurement should be a transparent and fair process. Strict legal requirements are enforced on public sector procurement to make it a standardised process. To make fair decisions on selecting suppliers, a practical method which adheres to legal requirements is important. The research that is the base for this paper aimed at identifying a suitable Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) method for the specific legal and functional needs of the Maldivian Public Sector. To identify such operational requirements, a set of focus group interviews were conducted in the Maldives with public officials responsible for procurement decision making. Based on the operational requirements identified through focus groups, criteria-based evaluation is done on published MCDA methods to identify the suitable methods for e-procurement decision making. This paper describes the identification of the operational requirements and the results of the evaluation to select suitable decision models for the Maldivian context.

Author Biographies

Mohamed Adil, University of Sheffield

Mohamed Adil, Information School, University of Sheffield, Room 224, Regent Court, 211 Portobello Street, Sheffield S1 4DP, UK, E-mail:

Miguel Baptista Nunes, University of Sheffield

Miguel Baptista Nunes, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom, E-mail:

Guo Chao Peng, University of Sheffield

Guo Chao Peng, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom, E-mail:


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How to Cite

Adil, M., Nunes, M. B., & Peng, G. C. (2014). Identifying Operational Requirements to Select Suitable Decision Models for a Public Sector E-Procurement Decision Support System. Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, 11(2), 211–228.


