Eliciting and Defining Requirements Based on Metaevaluation: the Case of the Cras 2008 Census


  • Edilson Ferneda Catholic University of Brasília, Brasilia, Distrito Federal, Brazil
  • Hércules Antonio do Prado Catholic University of Brasília, Brasilia, Distrito Federal, Brazil Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária
  • Marcelo Gomes Gadelha Ministério do Desenvolvimento Social e Combate à Fome, Brasilia, DF, Brazil
  • Helga Cristina hedler Catholic University of Brasília, Brasilia, Distrito Federal, Brazil
  • Eduardo José Ribeiro de Castro Universidade Católica de Brasília




Requirements Elicitation, Evaluation, Metaevaluation.


The Brazilian Ministry of Social Development and Fight against Hunger (MDS) regularly promotes the evaluation of its social programs, such as those developed in the Reference Centers for Social Assistance (CRAS). Such evaluations make use of a web system that supports the collection and processing of information as well as the dissemination of its results to local, regional and central government officials through the so-called CRAS Census. A meta-evaluation of the CRAS 2008 Census was carried out based on criteria specified by the Joint Committee (1994), from which we elicited requirements that enabled improvements of the web system. The article reports new requirements elicited from the meta-evaluation of the CRAS 2008 Census, held in the period 2009-2010. The approach of meta-evaluation as an alternative source of requirements elicitation took into consideration results from evaluations of social programs in order to identify system problems without the usual need of intense interaction with users. This approach revealed opportunities for improvements in the evaluation process that led to the elicitation of requirements for the computerized system. Some of the elicited features were incorporated into the Census 2010 and others may be incorporated in future censuses.

Author Biographies

Edilson Ferneda, Catholic University of Brasília, Brasilia, Distrito Federal, Brazil

Edilson Ferneda, Professor at the Graduate Program on Knowledge Management and Information Technology at Universidade Católica de Brasília (UCB). Doctor’s Degree in Informatics from the Laboratoire d’Informatique, Robotique et Microélectronique de Montpellier (LIRMM/CNRS/UM2, Montpellier, France), Master’s Degree in Informatics from the Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG, Campina Grande, PB. Address: SGAN, Módulo B, room A-115 - 70.970-160 Brasília, DF. Phone: 55-61-3448-7159. Email: eferneda@pos.ucb.br

Hércules Antonio do Prado, Catholic University of Brasília, Brasilia, Distrito Federal, Brazil Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária

Hércules Antonio do Prado, Catholic University of Brasília. Doctor´s Degree in Computer Science by the Informatics Institute of Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS, Porto Alegre, RS), Master´s Degree in Systems and Computer Engineering by Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (COPPE/UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ). Lecturer at the Graduate Program on Knowledge Management and Information Technology and Analyst at the Secretariat for Strategic Management of Embrapa. Address: Catholic University of Brasília - SGAN, Módulo B, room A-115 - 70.970-160 Brasília, DF. Phone: 55-61-34487159. Email: hercules@ucb.br / Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa) - Parque Estação Biológica - PqEB s/n - 70.770-901 Brasília, DF. Phone: 55-61-34484287. Email: hercules.prado@embrapa.br

Marcelo Gomes Gadelha, Ministério do Desenvolvimento Social e Combate à Fome, Brasilia, DF, Brazil

Marcelo Gomes Gadelha, Ministry of Social Development and Fight against Hunger (MDS). Master’s Degree in Knowledge Management and Information Technology from the Catholic University of Brasília (UCB, Brasília, DF), Specialist in Software Process Improvement from the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA, Lavras, MG. Systems Coordinator at Ministry of Social Development and Fight against Hunger (MDS). Address: SEPN 515, Edifício Ômega, Bloco B, room T28A - Brasília, DF. Phone: 55-61-2030-3922. Email: marcelo.gadelha@mds.gov.br

Helga Cristina hedler, Catholic University of Brasília, Brasilia, Distrito Federal, Brazil

Helga Cristina Hedler, Catholic University of Brasília (UCB). Doctor and Master Degree in Social Psychology of Work and Organizations form the Institute of Psychology, University of Brasilia (UnB, Brasília, DF). Lecturer at the the Graduate Program in Knowledge Management and Information Technology. Address: SGAN, Módulo B, room A-114 – 70.970-160 Brasília (DF). Phone: 55-61-3448-7208. Email: eferneda@pos.ucb.br


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How to Cite

Ferneda, E., do Prado, H. A., Gadelha, M. G., hedler, H. C., & de Castro, E. J. R. (2014). Eliciting and Defining Requirements Based on Metaevaluation: the Case of the Cras 2008 Census. Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, 11(1), 193–214. https://doi.org/10.4301/s1807-17752014000100011




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