Discovering Citizens Reaction Toward E-Government: Factors in E-Government Adoption


  • Mohammad Kamel Alomari College of Business and Economics, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar



Technological innovation, e-government, adoption, services, survey, government, citizens, social cohesion


E-government has been considered as one approach for changing the face of government in the eyes of the citizenry. Therefore, citizens’ socialization in relation to their engagement with e-government should be explored. This study argues that citizens played a significant role in determining the success of an e-government project in the Middle Eastern country of Jordan. This paper aims to provide insight and evaluation into the factors that could influence e-government’s effective functioning in the Jordanian social community through its interaction with citizens. The study collected data from 356 Jordanian citizens via a survey, to ascertain their understanding of 10 factors that may influence their intention to use e-government services. To investigate the adoption of e-government services in depth, two departments in Jordan were selected: the Jordanian Government’s Income and Sales Tax Department (ISTD) and its Driver and Vehicle Licenses Department (DVDL). The factor analysis technique was used to identify the main factors related to e-government services’ adoption. The results indicated that trust in the internet, website design, religious beliefs, internet and computer skill confidence, word of mouth, resistance to change, perceived usefulness, relative advantage and complexity are the main factors that should be considered when addressing the topic of e-government services’ adoption in Jordan. This study is different from most existing studies on e-government adoption as it empirically investigated the impact of word of mouth (WOM), wasta (favoritism), and resistance to change on e-government adoption. This study highlights the importance of considering the social cohesion of the Jordanian community when exploring factors related to e-government adoption.

Author Biography

Mohammad Kamel Alomari, College of Business and Economics, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar

Mohammad Kamel Alomari. College of Business and Economics, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar. Dr. Mohammad Alomari is an assistant professor at Qatar University. He received his PhD in Information Systems from Griffith University researching in the area of E-government adoption. E-mail:


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How to Cite

Alomari, M. K. (2014). Discovering Citizens Reaction Toward E-Government: Factors in E-Government Adoption. Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, 11(1), 05–20.


