The Influence of Shared Mental Models Between the Cio and the Top Management Team on the Strategic Alignment of Information Systems: a Comparison Between Brazilian and us Companies


  • Nicolau Reinhard Universidade de Sao Paulo
  • José Ricardo Bigueti University of São Paulo and Dow Chemical



IT management, Chief Information Officer, Strategic Information Systems Alignment, Shared Mental Model, Organizational Knowledge System.


The gap in the understanding between the chief information officer (CIO) and the management team (TMT) has been cited as a contributing factor to their often troubled relationship. The objective of this study is to examine the development of shared mental models (SMMs) between the CIO and TMT about the role of information systems in the organization. An SMM is conceptualized as a multidimensional construct spanning the dimensions of shared language and shared understanding. The study posits that knowledge exchange mechanisms and relational similarity between the CIO and TMT are key antecedents to the development of SMMs. SMMs between the CIO and TMT are expected to guide the strategic orientation of the organization and may influence strategic alignment and organizational outcomes. The model was tested via a field survey of CIO – TMT pairs using structural equation modeling. Results show that relational similarity and formal mechanisms of knowledge exchange (e.g., formal CIO membership in the TMT, CIO hierarchical level, and formal educational mechanisms by the CIO) are important to the development of SMMs. Contrary to expectations, informal social mechanisms of knowledge exchange and physical proximity were not significantly related to SMMs.

Author Biographies

Nicolau Reinhard, Universidade de Sao Paulo

Nicolau Reinhard, is a professor of management at the School of Economics, Administration and Accounting of the University of São Paulo, Brasil. His research interests and publications are related to Management of the IT function, the use of IT in Public Administration and Information Systems Implementation. Prof. Reinhard has a degree in Engineering, a PhD in Management, and, besides his academic career, has held executive and consulting positions in IT management in private and public organizations. School of Economics, Administration and Accounting University of São Paulo Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 908 05508-010 São Paulo – Brasil Tel: (55) 11-3091-5838 E-mail:

José Ricardo Bigueti, University of São Paulo and Dow Chemical

José Ricardo Bigueti, has a bachelor degree in Computer Science, an MBA in Information Technology Management and an MSc in Administration from the University of São Paulo. He is presently a Senior I/S Security Manager for The Dow Chemical Co., in Midland, Michigan, USA. School of Economics, Administration and Accounting, University of São Paulo Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 908 05508-010 São Paulo – Brasil Tel: (55) 11-3091-5838 E-mail:


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How to Cite

Reinhard, N., & Bigueti, J. R. (2013). The Influence of Shared Mental Models Between the Cio and the Top Management Team on the Strategic Alignment of Information Systems: a Comparison Between Brazilian and us Companies. Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, 10(3), 503–520.


