The Development of Value Systems and the Role of Information Systems in the Portuguese Insurance Industry


  • Bruno Alexandre Ribeiro Marques



, Inter-organizational relationships, levels of collaboration, impacts on the Information Systems, IT Governance


This study aims to analyze the status of partnerships between organizations in the Portuguese insurance industry and design a development strategy that includes the Information Systems (IS) dimension. In this paper, the current role of the IS in insurance partnerships (e.g.: automation of functionalities, alignment with decision makers) is analyzed, as well as their importance in the future. Since insurance information activities are knowledge intensive, a relational and learning approach was followed. The impact of the IS on collaboration and implications for the CIO (responsible for the IS) are presented. The existence of a good exploration of the IS for automation and integration of heterogeneous systems were verified. However, collaborative functionalities (e.g. Web 2.0) and partnership management indicators were not observed as a common practice. The CIO can be an agent of change, highlighting the IT Governance view and the socio-technical approach that are key to increase the maturity and value of the IS in the insurance industry.

Author Biography

Bruno Alexandre Ribeiro Marques

Bruno Alexandre Ribeiro Marques, Catholic University of Portugal, Invited Professor, iLIDH Institute, Portugal, ResearcherPortugal Master in Business from Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP), MBA (UCP) and PhD from Universidade de Aveiro, He is currently member of the Technology Department and coordinator of IT Governance and Best Practices committee at Açoreana Seguros Insurance Company. He collaborates with universities as a professor in the fields of Information Systems, Knowledge Management and Change Management. He is also an investigator in the areas of Information Systems and Organizational Development. He was as a consultant role in the areas of Management and information systems in national and multinational companies. Address: Av. General Norton de Matos, nº 19 - 8º Dt – Miraflores. Algés.. Portugal Phone: +351966541595 Email:;


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How to Cite

Marques, B. A. R. (2013). The Development of Value Systems and the Role of Information Systems in the Portuguese Insurance Industry. Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, 10(3), 463–482.


