Benefits and Success Factors of Open-Source Web Services Development Platforms for Small Software Houses


  • Valter de Assis Moreno Jr. Faculdades Ibmec-RJ
  • Josir Cardoso Gomes



Open-source, Web Services, Small and Medium Enterprises, Software Development, Emerging Economies


It is usually difficult for companies to keep up with the development of new information technologies and adapt to them in face of the opportunities and threats their advances may represent. This is especially true for small and medium enterprises (SME) in emerging economies, where resources tend to be scarce and markets more volatile. This paper describes an action research conducted in a small Brazilian software house that adopted an open-source Web Services development platform in order to improve its software development process. Data analysis revealed critical success factors (CSF) in the adoption process, as well as specific benefits and barriers prone to be faced by small software houses in their adoption efforts. In the process of overcoming such barriers, SME may acquire intellectual capital that represents an essential resource to ensure their competitiveness and survival in emerging economies.

Author Biographies

Valter de Assis Moreno Jr., Faculdades Ibmec-RJ

Possui graduação em Engenharia Eletrônica pelo Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica - ITA (1988), mestrado em Engenharia de Produção pela Universidade Federal Fluminense - UFF (1993) e doutorado em Business Administration pela University of Michigan (2001). Atualmente é Professor Adjunto de Sistemas de Informação das Faculdades Ibmec do Rio de Janeiro, onde vem lecionando e desenvolvendo pesquisas em temas relativos ao impacto das tecnologias da informação nas organizações, à aceitação de sistemas de informação gerenciais por seus usuários, e à gestão de processos de negócio.

Josir Cardoso Gomes

Josir Cardoso Gomes has a Bachelor degree in Information Technology from FACHA (1998), a M.Sc. degree in Business Administration from Faculdades IBMEC – RJ (2005). Josir has extensive professional experience in Software Development and has been teaching and conducting research on issues related to the impact of Information Technology in organizations, the acceptance of management information systems by their users, Data Mining and Software Development best practices. He is currently the owner of Curso Radix in Rio de Janeiro.


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How to Cite

de Assis Moreno Jr., V., & Cardoso Gomes, J. (2012). Benefits and Success Factors of Open-Source Web Services Development Platforms for Small Software Houses. Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, 9(3), 585–606.


