The 3C Cooperation Model Applied to the Classical Requirement Analysis
Software Requirements, Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 3C Cooperation Model and AwarenessAbstract
Aspects related to the users' cooperative work are not considered in the traditional approach of software engineering, since the user is viewed independently of his/her workplace environment or group, with the individual model generalized to the study of collective behavior of all users. This work proposes a process for software requirements to address issues involving cooperative work in information systems that provide distributed coordination in the users' actions and the communication among them occurs indirectly through the data entered while using the software. To achieve this goal, this research uses ergonomics, the 3C cooperation model, awareness and software engineering concepts. Action-research is used as a research methodology applied in three cycles during the development of a corporate workflow system in a technological research company. This article discusses the third cycle, which corresponds to the process that deals with the refinement of the cooperative work requirements with the software in actual use in the workplace, where the inclusion of a computer system changes the users’ workplace, from the face to face interaction to the interaction mediated by the software. The results showed that the highest degree of users' awareness about their activities and other system users contribute to a decrease in their errors and in the inappropriate use of the systemDownloads
How to Cite
Gava, V. L., Spinola, M. de M., Tonini, A. C., & Medina, J. C. (2012). The 3C Cooperation Model Applied to the Classical Requirement Analysis. Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, 9(2), 235–264.