Brazilian Scientific Journals that Use the Open Journals Systems (OJS): A Quality Analysis.
Scholarly and Scientific Electronic Journals, Open Access to Scientific Literature, Open Journal Systems (OJS), Journals QualityAbstract
This study aimed to assess whether Brazilian journals that use the Open Journal Systems (OJS) for publishing comply with quality requirements necessary to scientific journals. To this end, it was necessary to search in literature the main criteria for evaluating quality, selecting those considered most relevant. The universe of the research was comprised of 236 journals (the ones that were correctly registered in their knowledge area in the system Web site by June 2010). The sample’s nature is intentional and, according to the established criteria, 78 journals were selected for the study. The quality aspects evaluated were: editorial board, authors, rules for article submission, peer review, age, format, language of publication and journals impact. The results indicate that the studied journals partially met the criteria established for the research.Downloads
How to Cite
Guimarães, L. V. de S., & Costa, S. M. de S. (2012). Brazilian Scientific Journals that Use the Open Journals Systems (OJS): A Quality Analysis. Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, 9(1), 61–88.